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Skill Building On Board Your Sailboat


While Ken is in Toronto, he is available to teach you sailing skills on board your own boat. This is an excellent opportunity for you to have an experienced offshore sailor and professional certified instructor help you build skills and confidence on the vessel you will be sailing


Docking and Maneuvering Under Power

Getting away from the dock and returning to it can be the most stressful part of our day on the water!!

What better place to learn these skills, than on the vessel you will be maneuvering and docking. You will learn about the specific characteristics of your boat that affect the way it maneuvers under power. During the first hour of the session we will concentrate on the general theory of the Factors that Affect Maneuverability, above and below the waterline. We will see how we can determine the Center of Lateral Resistance of a boat and the effects of Prop Wash and Prop Walk.

We will have a discussion about the lines we use for docking and their function as well as the knots we use for securing the boat to the dock.

Next is to apply this theory to your boat, and spend the rest of the session practicing docking your boat in various situations and maneuvering it in tight quarters

This course can be done in a 4 hour or 6 hour format


Cost: 4 hour with max of 2 students: $300.00 plus travel expenses

         6 hour with max of 2 students: $450.00 plus travel expenses


For a starter, click here, to check out some of our instructional videos



Sail Canada
Basic Cruising 

It is possible to complete this certification on your own sailboat. The course is 5 days long and will cover all the ashore knowledge and afloat skills required to meet the Sail Canada Basic Cruising Standard. It will also include the written exam and formal evaluation at the end of the session.

Click here for a copy of the Standard including prerequisites.


This course consists of 5, 6-hour sessions, which can be spread out over three weekends or 5 consecutive days, to suit your schedule.


We provide course materials, exams and certification fees.

You are responsible for the vessel related costs and fees.


Cost: $1,600.00 with a maximum of 4 students on board (Plus travel expenses to and from your boat)



Aids to Improve Safety Aboard Your Vessel

Here is a list of documents to aid you in creating a safer environment on board your vesssel. Click on the title to view a PDF version that you can print or download.



  • Distress Radio Call Sheet

    •  Post this form near each permanently installed radio equiped with DSC. Fill in items 5, 6, 12a-f, 14 and 16a before getting underway

Skill Building Clinics
Designed to meet your individual needs

Do you have specific sailing skills you would like to work on and improve? Ken is available for day-long sessions on board your boat to help you do just that.


Skills can include:

Docking and Maneuvering under Power in Tight Quarters

Docking and Maneuvering under Sail in Tight Quarters


Sail Trim, Tacking + Jibing

Managing On Board Emergencies

Crew Overboard - Prevention and Recovery

Review of Safety Procedures

Maintenance Procedures

or any other sailing skill you would like to improve.


Email us to develop a skill building program that meets your needs at


Cost: 6 hr session w/ max 2 students - $ 350.00 plus travel exp.


Click here, to check out some of our sailing instructional videos on you tube

Sail Canada
Intermediate Cruising

It is possible to complete this certification on your own sailboat. The course is 6 days long and will cover all the ashore knowledge and afloat skills required to meet the Sail Canada Intermediate Cruising Standard. It will also include the written exam and formal evaluation at the end of the session.

Click here for a copy of the Standard including prerequisites.


This is a live-aboard course, where we will complete practical sessions during the day and review theory in the evenings. The theory exam will be written on day 4 and practical exam on day 6.

We provide all course material and exams.

You will be responsible to provision the boat and provide all meals while Ken is on board and a bunk for him on the boat.

Cost: $1,900.00 with a maximum 4 students on board (Plus travel expenses to and from your boat)


Instructional Videos
On Our YouTube Channel

Sail Training Adventures

on board

s/v VOYAGEUR 10.10

To see what exiting sail training adventures await you on board Voyageur 10.10,  CLICK HERE

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